Regional Investor Assistance Centre:

Fundusz Górnośląski SA

Al. Roździeńskiego 188

40-203 Katowice


phone: +48 32 72 85 600 extension nr: 203, 128


23 March 2018
Copernicus data offers new chances for innovative businesses
How can businesses use the data from the European Union's Earth Observation Programme, Copernicus? The Enterprise Europe Network is organising a conference and matchmaking event to explore these opportunities. more
07 March 2018
European Resource Efficiency Knowledge Centre (EREK): improve your environmental performance!
The EREK project helps European companies, especially SMEs, save energy, material and water costs. more
07 March 2018
European Commission responds to the US restrictions on steel and aluminium affecting the EU.
On 1 March, President Trump announced the imposition of additional import duties on EU exports of steel and aluminium to the United States. more
28 February 2018
Safe drone operations: new guidelines for regulating drones in Europe
The European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) has published the first formal opinion on safe operations for small drones in Europe. The document comes up with an innovative way of regulating, where the rules are kept as simple as possible more
28 February 2018
Webinar: how to protect your creative works abroad? – 7 March, 14:00 CET
This webinar will provide practical advice to European companies in the creative industries sector on how to protect their IP in China, Latin America and South-East Asia. more
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